Guest Profile: Kelly NcNelis Senegor
In Kelly's words - I love women… all kinds… all sizes… all ages… all backgrounds… ethnicities…. I love angry women, powerful women, passionate women, girls becoming women. They all reflect a piece of me, an experience of mine in the past or that I will have in the future. I “HEARD” to start this movement through my inner voice that I call my God in 2011. Quiet whispers in my ear… “Women For One”… “Global community.” Hmm… Personally, I know it is true guidance when it is whispered, almost just slightly suggested with no force.
Just love…
Since last June, a movement has begun. This movement of authenticity mirrors my journey in life. Ever since I was little I remember having a curiosity about any type of evolution: personal, cultural, planetary. I was always questioning where we are from, why we are here, and how I can be a more peaceful person. I believe that curiosity is my greatest gift. It has allowed me to have lifetimes within lifetimes of experiences, wonder, mistakes and knowledge. I founded Women For One so that we can have a place to ask questions, create authentic dialogue and take action in our own lives and communities. Once we are aware of our stories and how they define us, that is when we can release them write our new VISION and for our future lives.

Kelly NcNelis Senegor's Shows:
May 29, 2013 |
Founder of the Women For One organization talks about the importance of authentic stories. Editor-in-chief of The Utne Reader brings an interesting story on hunting to light. |